High Concept – How to Create Slam Dunk Scripts

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Event Description

High Concept – How to Create Slam Dunk Scripts
with Steve Kaire

Saturday, Sept 12, 2009

There is no shortage of screenplays in Los Angeles.  But what does it take to get your project noticed? A High Concept film is a great way to spark the attention of important people.

You’ll learn:
• The definition of a High Concept film
• What the 5 requirements are
• The advantages of High Concept
• Easiest genres to sell
• Examples of High Concept films
• Brainstorming techniques

Find out from someone who has done it – numerous times.  Seminar presenter Steve Kaire has the answers.

Steve_KaireSTEVE KAIRE is a screenwriter/pitchman who has sold and/or optioned eight projects to major studios including Columbia, Warner Brothers, United Artists and Interscope.  All were sold on spec without representation. He is co-producing the last project he sold, for Walden Media.  A screenwriter for over 30 years, he holds a Master’s in Dramatic Writing and has taught writing classes at the American Film Institute. Steve is a sought-after speaker on the lecture circuit and was featured on the Tonight Show’s “Pitching to America.” He was voted a Star Speaker at Screenwriters Expo three times. His unique CD, “High Concept – How to Create, Pitch & Sell to Hollywood,” is a bestseller.