1st Annual California Bookstore Day

Event Details

  • Event Date:
    To Be Determined

Event Description

A statewide party
CABookstoreDay2014_401st Annual California Bookstore Day

Saturday, May 3, 2014
Vroman’s & other bookstores

More than 90 independent bookstores across California will celebrate books, readers and indie bookselling.

There will be famous authors and books you cannot get on any other day, in any other place.

There will be reads, and prizes, and things to eat and drink.

Your neighbors will be there, your friends will be there, your kids’ friends will be there. You should definitely be there too!

Learn more at CABookStoreDay.com

IWSOC reminds you that in So Cal you’re welcome at Vroman’s. The writers of IWOSC always enjoy their visits to Vroman’s when it hosts our writers as well as when they come in on any day.