Event Description
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Once the final few sentences of that great American novel have been penned or a non-fiction tale that no one else could scribe, it’s time to get your manuscript in front of an agent. Agents have the contacts to get your work seen and read by editors in publishing houses, looking for the newest acquisition. But where does one begin? Powerhouse author and screenwriter Marvin J. Wolf offers practical advice and savvy tips on how to turn your work into an attractive product ripe for picking by the book-publishing establishment.
MARVIN J. WOLF has written professionally since 1965. In addition to authoring or co-authoring a dozen nonfiction books, his articles have appeared in magazines and newspapers in 132 nations around the world. Wolf’s honed his storytelling talents while serving as a U.S. Army infantryman, Ranger School instructor, basic training drill instructor, combat photographer, public affairs officer, communications-electronics officer and company commander. Later, he worked extensively in creative advertising positions for Foot Cone, Wells Rich Greene, Northrop, Transamerica, and Avco before becoming an independent writer in 1978.
In partnership with veteran screenwriter Larry Mintz, Wolf took up screenwriting in 2001. Their script “Ladies Night,” based on a chapter of Wolf ‘s 1988 book “Platinum Crime,” aired in February 2005 on the USA Cable Network, as did “The Pierre Heist,” based on another Wolf book. Wolf’s books include “Buddha’s Child” (St. Martin’s, 2002) the wartime memoirs of former South Vietnam Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky, and “Where White Men Fear To Tread “(St. Martin’s, 1995), the autobiography of Native American activist and film actor Russell Means. His “Beating The Odds” (Scribner’s, 1991) recounts the life story of ABC Television founder Leonard Goldenson. In addition, he’s written several true-crime anthologies, including “Fallen Angels, Chronicles of Los Angeles Crime and Mystery “(Ballantine, 1986), long considered a minor classic of its genre. Wolf is a charter member of IWOSC and has served four terms as president.