Event Description
A Storytelling workshop with Annie Korzen: Writing (and Performing) the Personal Essay
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Storytelling is the hottest new literary form – from The Moth to David Sedaris. In Los Angeles, there are many spoken-word events every night of the week. The competition is tough, and most tellers need help with creating the text and/or a relaxed performance technique.
Even if you are not interested in performing, personal essays can be sold to periodicals, like the Modern Love column in the NY Times, L. A. Affairs in the LA Times, and many more.
A great essay whether spoken or written requires a definite story arc, a specific narrative style, and a distinctive personal voice. These also apply to any autobiographical writing. We will discuss all this and more.
Bring the first two lines and last two lines of your own story, and we will have fun mining the gems of your ideas.
“I was really wowed by your stories. You are an incredible talent!” Catherine Burns, Artistic Director, The Moth
You can learn more about Annie Korzen’s class at youtube.com/watch?v=KkynL7AtGMo. (When you click this link it will open in another window or tab. Just close that when done watching and you will see this page again.)
About our presenter: ANNIE KORZEN

ANNIE KORZEN teaches storytelling and proudly tours with The Moth Mainstage. She has performed her solo shows on three continents. Her new storytelling evening is called TALES FROM THE MOUTH: Comedies of Errors.
Annie is the author of BARGAIN JUNKIE: Living the Good Life on the Cheap and has done humorous essays for NPR’s Morning Edition, The NY Times, LA Times, and many more. For details, go to www.AnnieKorzen.com.
Annie was the recurring Doris Klompus on “Seinfeld.” She played John Turturro’s mother in “Transformers, Revenge of the Fallen” and Jason Alexander’s sister in Neil Simon’s “Prisoner of 2nd Avenue.” She has performed her solo shows “Yenta Unplugged” and “The Yenta Cometh” on three continents and now offers a storytelling entertainment called “Tales from the Mouth: Comedies of Errors.”
Annie is proud to be a Moth Mainstage storyteller. She has done humorous essays for NPR’s “Morning Edition,” The NY Times, LA Times, and many more. Annie is the author of “Bargain Junkie: Living the Good Life on the Cheap.” Her book was covered by Tavis Smiley, Morning Edition, Patt Morrison, CBS Moneywatch, and others.