Event Description
From Gary Young, President of IWOSC:
You’re invited to a FREE one-hour Scrivener training webinar with The Scrivener Coach, Joseph Michael, at 7pm–Monday, October 24 PST
Joseph & I will be hosting a live Q&A at the end about your writing and Scrivener questions. Scrivener is packed with brilliant features applicable to fiction, non-fiction, scripts, etc. I feel strongly that it is well worth an hour+ of your time.
- WHAT IF YOU COULD sustain your lucrative writing career in your pajamas if you want to? Instead of dealing with ‘mind-boggling’ software…
- WHAT IF YOU COULD get rid of that gnawing feeling that you’re missing something and just can’t get Scrivener right?
- WHAT IF YOU COULD discover little-known tricks to turn yourself into a writing machine…whether you have a million ideas, or just one?
- WHAT IF YOU COULD learn how to organize massive projects, complete them (and feel completely in control of your writing process!)?
- WHAT IF YOU COULD wake up in the morning feeling sheer delight to start working on your writing project!?
Well, YOU CAN and you’ll learn how in this free private training.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Scrivener will be offered at a discount at the end of the webinar, and you will receive communication from them unless you opt-out, which you can easily do. That’s why the extremely informative webinar is being presented free of charge. No obligation to purchase anything, but if you do,IWOSC will receive a small benefit that will be used to defray the cost of maintaining our website.