IWOSC’s monthly drop-in satellite sessions are free and open to all Los Angeles writers — both members and non-members. (Out-of-town guests are welcome too.)
We have several satellites to cover the various areas of Southern California or the Greater Los Angeles area.
San Fernando Valley Satellite
IWOSC’s San Fernando Valley Satellite meets in Reseda on the 1st Wednesday of each month.

If you live in the Reseda area or just happen to be around at meeting time, come join Sylvia and fellow scribes in a free-flowing exchange of ideas about their work and the writing business.
Please read our dates, times, and location closely each month as we have been needing to make several changes.
Hosted by Sylvia Cary

Upcoming meetings:
For the duration of Covid, meetings are held online so info goes out via email.
West Valley Regional Library
19036 Vanowen St.
Reseda, CA 91335
(between Vanalden Ave and Wystone Ave, west of Reseda Blvd. on the south side of the street)
Parking: off Vanalden, then walk the path to the front door on the side of the building.
Free to both IWOSC members and non-members.
For any questions write to Sylvia Cary: Sylvia at SylviaCary.com