Get Your Book Published! Choose the path that’s right for you!

Event Details

  • Event Date:
    Saturday, June 19, 2010

Event Description

Saturday, June 19, 2010

In this seminar, multiple Award-Winning author and Book Midwife, Gemini Adams,explores vanity, self, traditional and hybrid publishing with a detailed analysis of the pro’s and con’s, together with up-front costs, back-end returns, rights issues, royalites and what materials you actually need according to the path you choose. This information will save you hours of your life that can be wasted writing book proposals, pursuing publishers who have no interest in your work, and can save you thousands that you might otherwise waste creating and self-publishing a product that won’t sell anywhere!

*This seminar is relevant for writers at all stages of the process, even those who’ve already been published and those who are yet to type a word!

GEMINI ADAMS has completed two bestselling books, received various awards, including the National Best Book Award 2009, Mom’s Choice Gold Award 2010 and is a Finalist in the 2010 International Book Awards. She has secured publishing deals with the major houses of Sterling, Duncan Baird and Random House, both for herself and her clients, has self-published, self-publicized and started her own imprint, Live Consciously Publishing. Gemini also acts as a Book Midwife and has helped her clients birth over 20 new books—painlessly, without drugs, sweat or tears!