IWOSC Reads Its Own Feb 2022

Event Details

  • Event Date:
    Sunday, February 20, 2022 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
  • Price:
    FREE for everyone!
Large Text: Reads its own

Event Description

Once again, we find our biannual Reads Its Own program taking place online via Zoom.

IWOSC members come from all sorts of backgrounds. Ask a member what they are working on writing and you are bound to be surprised by some of their answers. You never know what will spring from their minds given all of their backgrounds, interests, and selected genres.

We look forward to once again hearing some of our talented members immerse us in their world of words for 7 minutes each. Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, a good meal or snack, or whatever you’d like — you’re not on camera — as you allow our readers’ words to take you to other places or times.