Event Description
Grammar for Grownup Writers
Flo Selfman’s Quick ‘n Dirty Grammar and Punctuation Review for Writers
Saturday, July 21, 2018
10:30 am – 1:00 p.m.
IWOSC members: $15
Non-members: $35
About Grammar for Grownup Writers
As you write, do you wonder if the rules you learned in school still apply to good writing today? Do you even remember those rules?
How’s your grammar doing in this spell-check, grammar-check, email, texting and tweetified language world?
It’s a must to hand an agent or potential publisher/producer a well-written, properly punctuated piece.
Do you agonize over composing blog posts and tweets?
Are you worried you’ll miss grammatical errors in your copy?
Is your elevator pitch grammatically correct?
Not many of us enjoyed learning grammar in school, but with Flo Selfman’s grown-up grammar class for writers, you will learn in some surprising ways, plus have some good laughs as you do.
Flo will go through the reasons that grammar matters to writers and readers, and review simple, often overlooked, rules to correct dozens of common errors. You’ll come away with newfound confidence including support with printed handouts.
Topics include:
- 10 common grammar and punctuation errors
- How to stop agonizing over your grammar
- Coping with current trends in language
. - How to shine up your elevator pitch to be grammatically correct
. - Has the lazy language of email infected your prose
- Error-proof your manuscripts or articles
- Why spell-check isn’t enough
- And more!
About our presenter — Flo Selfman

Flo Selfman is a veteran public relations and marketing consultant who has created and implemented PR campaigns for celebrities, authors, and events.
She received the IRWIN Award for “Best News Tie-In Campaign” and her press kits have won awards.
She is a copy editor/proofreader for many award-winning books in all genres, and conducts lively on-site grammar and punctuation review workshops for adults.
An Ohio native, Flo has a BA from UCLA, a California Secondary Teaching Credential, and the Instructor Development Certificate from UCLA Extension. She served as IWOSC president 2003-2016. Her website is wordsalamode.com.
Registration info
Registration is now closed but you may come and pay at the door.