Event Description
Taking Great Photographs for Fun & Profit
with Erika Fabian on ZOOM
Saturday, June 19, 2021
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Please log into the webinar at 12:50 if possible.
IWOSC members: $15
Non-members: $35
Registration is now closed.

Erika Fabian didn’t start out as a photographer. She learned, by working in the field and observing how her partner, Albert Moldvay, used lenses, light, and thinking to get those fabulous National Geographic pictures. Eventually she learned well enough to become a published photographer on her own.
Today we can take pictures anywhere anytime with our phone. It’s easy to just click and get the shot.
But do you ever wonder later on why that pole is sticking out of a child’s head? Or why is everyone’s face so dark when the sun was so bright?
Can you make adjustments to get better shots on your cell phone? What are the best settings if you’re using a regular digital camera?
Could you take a contest-winning picture? Or illustrate an upcoming article with your shots?
These and other aspects of photography will be addressed during Erika Fabian’s photo-illustrated presentation. She will cover:
- What are the fundamentals of photography that she learned at National Geographic that are used the world over?
- How to approach someone and take a “telling” people picture at home and around the world
- How not to disturb people but still get a great picture of the subject
- The best times of day to photograph landscapes and city scenes at home or on a trip
- How to use all kinds of weather successfully for interesting shots
- Taking great animal pictures
- How to use flash in difficult light situations
- When it is necessary to get permission to take a photograph
- Where to find markets for your pictures if you want to sell them
Through photos Erika will explain these and many other tips and techniques that make photography fun and successful, whether for a personal album or publication.
Our presenter
Erika Fabian

Erika Fabian worked as a field producer and photographer on major National Geographic assignments with her husband, the late Albert Moldvay, a staff photographer and chief of film review at National Geographic.
She taught “Photographing the National Geographic Way” at UCLA for over 20 years and was voted Best Instructor of the Year in 1996.
Fabian has had 23 books and hundreds of photo-illustrated articles published in major magazines around the world.
She is about to publish her 24th book, a novel, called Liars’ Paradise.
Registration info
Reservations Required
Reservation deadline: noon the Friday before the seminar.
Because this is online, there is no pay-at-the-door option.
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