Event Description
7:30 to 9:15 p.m. (networking follows the program)
Social Networking becomes both easier and more difficult all the time. As soon as you get the hang of it, the rules change. But we are not always privy to the subtle changes that may not be well-publicized. Some changes are obvious, and even then, the way to implement these new rules may not be user-friendly. Algorithms and layout can affect all aspects of the experience.
Our expert panelists have specific, detailed, everyday dealings with these issues and are ready to translate them into plain English for you.
STEVEN SANCHEZ helps people build their platforms for today’s worldwide
and social media-conscious businesses. For over 20 years he has developed
and managed integrated web marketing solutions for industry-leading
companies. Steven has conducted numerous workshops on all aspects of internet
marketing, from social media management to website development. Currently, Steven is working on several website and book projects, including SmarterWriters.com and a book he is co-writing with Gregg Sanchez on bestseller-level fiction writing.
You can reach him at Steven at BetterBookMarketing dot com or on Twitter: @stevenasanchez.
JASMINE POWERS is the marketing and creative director and founder of
Ambitious Diva Company, a women’s business community and marketing agency.
Her company is responsible for producing experiential PR events, developing
cohesive marketing and ad campaigns, orchestrating profitable strategic
partnerships and providing marketing consulting for entertainers, major
corporations and newly launched businesses.
She also founded two other startups, Natural Hair Parade, a national event marketing agency for beauty brands and the Love & Beauty Unconference, an empowering beauty and business seminar for women.
Lastly, her online training courses in marketing and blogging serve a growing community of entrepreneurs looking to expand their skills.
Jasmine is very active in supporting nonprofit organizations, providing media
and community outreach for Blogging While Brown, Black Girls Code and
Blogalicious. She served as the communications board member in 2012 for the
Independent Writers Association of Southern California and currently sits on
the advisory board of Duke Media Foundation, a youth organization teaching
new media and financial literacy to teenagers.
started with social media. He has worked for a little over a year managing
the social media for a small nationwide business, organizing media marketing
strategies and tracking back-end analytics. Gregg is currently working on
developing SmarterWriters.com and launching a new book about writing great fiction with co-author Steven Sanchez early in 2015.You can email him at Gregg at greggsanchez.com

ALICE FULLER is a seven-year veteran of using social media to build online relationships for businesses, professionals, and organizations.
With years of experience in TV producing and entertainment blogging, Alice conducts social media training, develops social media strategies, and manages social profiles for clients. In North Carolina and Los Angeles, she earned production and producing credits on popular shows, live TV events, and associate produced an award-winning documentary.
Seeing the TV and film industry beginning to focus on digital and web content, in 2007 Alice began entertainment blogging and producing Web content for various showbiz-related websites. Soon she was hired to blog professionally for Heineken USA and public relations firms to blog for and about their clients.
In 2010 Alice took advantage of the growth of social media marketing and began her own business in that field, called Sheer Social. Combining her talents and experience in TV
producing and social media marketing, she’s generated successful online
campaigns for small- to medium-sized businesses including AARP, CoachArt.org,
and the Hollywood Black Film Festival. She now mainly trains and consults on social media strategy.
When she’s not tweeting or creating online content for social profiles, Alice can be found binge-watching movies and TV shows on Netflix or browsing the shelves at the local library or bookstore.
Alice’s website is: SheerSocial.com
GARY YOUNG worked with Jean Kennedy Smith as a coordinator for
the National Very Special Arts Festival. His plays have been produced at
the Kennedy Center, Lincoln Center, the White House, the Smithsonian, and
venues throughout the US and Europe. His one-person play, “ON HOLD: The MYTH
of Male Maturity,” premiered in England and he will perform the show in LA,
“sorta soonish,” with a companion book, “The Immature Male Handbook.”
His book, “LOSS AND FOUND: Surviving the loss of a partner,” co-written by
his wife, Kathy, is used in colleges. Gary is been IWOSC’s Director of
Professional Development for several years. He is President of the Publishers
Association of Los Angeles, Executive Director of the Lifetime Achievement
Foundation, and a Vice-Chair of the Alliance of LA Playwrights. His newest
book, “Social Networking for the Anti-social,” will be coming out as soon as
the subject ceases to satirize itself.