Event Description
At our March Westside Satellite for writers, you’ll get a chance to meet Madeline Dyer, a prolific author of Young Adult and New Adult Fiction. After a short interview by Satellite Host Robin Quinn, Madeline will walk us through a variety of narrative structures that writers can use when plotting their novels, memoirs, and more. You, as an author, can consider what might fit best as the underpinning of your books.
We’ll explore:
- How Madeline has managed to build a story over her entire 7-book series in the Untamed World
- Her thoughts on building a convincing dystopian world in novels and short stories
- Why she decided to create an anthology with stories utilizing different narrative structures (Being Ace)
- How some classic structures found in books and screenplays, such as the three-act and Freytag’s Pyramid, work
- The framework of a number of plot structures you may never have considered before. These can work in a variety of book genres.
Just getting started on a new writing project, daydreaming about a future novel or memoir, or are you looking for a new way to plot an existing book? Then this presentation is for you!
MADELINE DYER’s debut novel Untamed won the 2017 SIBA award for Best Dystopian Novel, and it has been a #1 Bestseller in its Amazon category in five countries. It is now the start of a 7-part series of Young Adult (Untamed series) and New Adult books (The Dangerous Ones series), with the latest title, The Threat of the Hunt, being released on Oct. 27. Madeline is a Staff Editor at Bolide Books, a publisher based in Scotland, specializing in speculative fiction. She is also an anthologist, with her latest volume Being Ace releasing in October 2023 from Page Street YA. Visit her website at www.MadelineDyer.co.uk.

For questions about the Westside Satellite, contact Host Robin Quinn at robinkayquinn2@gmail.com. A long-time IWOSC Board Member and LA Book Coach and Editor, Robin’s projects include the Amazon bestseller Everyone Is Psychic: How to Awaken Your Intuition to Improve Your Relationships, Enrich Your Life & Read Others by Ann O’Brien, the multi-award winner Legends of the Grail: Stories of Celtic Goddesses by Ayn Cates Sullivan, PhD and the forthcoming award-winning How to Play the Best Game of Your Life by Dr. John J. Carroll. www.writingandediting.biz