Event Description
What Kind of Publishing is Right for Me?
Monday, January 28, 2019
7:30 to 9:15 p.m. (networking follows the program)
IWOSC members – free
Non-members – $15
Following our hugely successful November webinar with top New York decision-maker editor Riva Hocherman (Henry Holt / Metropolitan Books), we kick off our 2019 writer’s programs.
This month’s panel is designed specifically to help writers determine which path is the best (and the most profitable) for them in today’s world of traditional publishing, self-publishing, small presses, and online and E-books.
There will be plenty of lively discussion, questions taken from the audience, and a chance to network and connect after the program.
Join IWOSC as we kick off what we trust will be a happy, informative, and profitable New Year for the SoCal writing community!
Our panel:

Colleen Dunn Bates
Colleen Dunn Bates is the founder and publisher of Prospect Park Books, an L.A.-based trade-publishing house that focuses on mysteries, cookbooks, regional titles, memoirs, and general fiction.
Several titles have been Los Angeles Times bestsellers, including Daditude by Chris Erskine and Helen of Pasadena by Lian Dolan, and many titles are award winners, including Little Flower Baking, Hometown Pasadena, After Abel & Other Stories, and L.A. Mexicano.
Prospect Park is distributed nationally and internationally by Consortium/Ingram.
Learn more at ProspectParkBooks.com.

Sharon Goldinger
Sharon Goldinger, the owner of PeopleSpeak, is a book shepherd, editor, and publishing and marketing consultant specializing in nonfiction books.
With an eye for details, she leads authors and publishers through the often-complicated publishing process (writing, editing, design, printing, marketing, distribution) and uses her business, marketing, and editorial experience to help produce exceptional, award-winning books.

Moderator: Ina Hillebrandt
Ina Hillebrandt is an author, editor, writing coach and publisher specializing in memoir.
Her first book, Pawprints, was published with a partner, through the imprint they founded, Pawpress. Since then she has become sole owner of the imprint, and has coached and published writers in memoir and other genres, including mystery and poetry.
She also self-published her own How To Write Your Memoirs, Fun Prompts to Make Writing…and Reading…Your Life Stories A Pleasure, and You Are Who You Eat, the revolutionary new cannibal diet.
Ina is also a veteran of Madison Avenue and has been a featured guest on a variety of TV and radio shows.
You can find out more and contact her at InaTheMemoirCoach.com and InasPawprints.com.