Short Story Writing Workshop

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Event Description

Short Story Writing Workshop

Moderated by Peter A. Balaskas 

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Last year, Peter A. Balaskas taught the sold-out interactive writers workshop “What Editors Look For in a Short Story.” After many requests for another workshop, Balaskas will again teach an IWOSC writing class where attendees’ work will be critiqued by the group as well as by the instructor. In addition, Balaskas will discuss the craft of short story writing, the importance of writing cogently for brevity and impact, and various critical elements of this writing genre.

Attendees are invited to bring at least two pages (double-spaced, please!) of their short story for a collaborative discussion. Writers must also bring at least 20 copies to be shared in class. In the interest of time, Balaskas will determine how many works-in-progress will be able to be read in the seminar. Pitching short story ideas is also welcome.

So put pen to paper, fire up the computer, and write two double-spaced pages for a great interactive engaging seminar! There’s nothing more constructive than getting your work evaluated from fellow writers and an established author.

Mr. Balaskas’s expertise in selecting publishable manuscripts and working with other editors makes him an ideal seminar presenter. As managing editor of Ex-Machina Press he also handles and establishes distribution channels via local bookstore and on-line vendors, as well as working with third-party printers. If you want to learn how to make your work appealing to editors looking for fresh scenarios, this workshop is a must.

Peter Balaskas’s fiction and poetry have been published internationally. His short novel, “The Grandmaster,” a supernatural thriller that takes place during the Holocaust, was published by Bards and Sages Publishing. Originally his graduate master’s thesis, “The Grandmaster” ranked third in the Bards and Sages nationwide Speculative Fiction Novel Contest and is now on sale at and Barnes and Noble. “The Grandmaster” was also named a Top Ten Finalist by the Preditors and Editors Reader’s Poll for Best Horror Novel of 2007. It was also named Best Science Fiction Novel of the Year by the Hollywood and New England Book Festivals. Peter has just completed his first short story collection, “In His House,” for which he is seeking publication. One story from that collection, “Crossing the Styx,” was awarded Best Unpublished Short Story at the 2007 DIY Book Festival in Los Angeles. His short story, “Oranna’s Song,” was awarded Honorable Mention (ranked SECOND in the nation) in the Romance Category by the Fourth Annual Writer’s Digest Popular Fiction Awards. Balaskas also often serves as a reviewer for L.A. Splash.