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  • Event Date:
    Monday, February 25, 2019 from 7:30 pm to 9:15 pm
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Writer's panel: Writing Health & Wellness

Event Description

Writing Health & Wellness

Writer's panel: Writing Health & WellnessMonday, February 25, 2019  
7:30 to 9:15 p.m. (networking follows the program)
IWOSC members – free
Non-members – $15

This Panel has passed but you can purchase a recording of it if you’d like.

Health & Wellness titles, like Come as You Are, Chris Beat Cancer and The Fast Metabolism Diet, continue to be among the top sellers in books on and offline.

  • Do you have to be a health expert to publish in this arena?
  • How can you get your book done?
  • What can you do to make your book stand out from the competition?
  • What are the latest and greatest marketing strategies?
  • How can you best manage your time as an author, whether you go the traditional route or self-publish?
  • How do you find gigs to write books for the experts in this field?
  • Beyond books, what’s happening in the health article market?
  • What are the ins and outs of creating health-related programs for TV and film?

Our panel of experts share their hard-earned insights and tips for success in health and wellness.

Writer's panel: Writing Health & Wellness
Writer's panel: Writing Health & Wellness

Our panel:

Emily Dwass
Emily Dwass

Emily Dwass

Emily Dwass about writing health and wellnessEmily Dwass is the author of the forthcoming book, Diagnosis Female, scheduled to be published in Spring/Summer 2019 by the leading indie publisher Rowman & Littlefield. The book explores the question “Why do so many women have trouble getting effective and compassionate medical treatment?”

In addition to being an author, Dwass is also a Los Angeles freelance writer. She has written for numerous publications about food, health and cultural issues, including The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, LA Weekly, Chicago Tribune, and USA Today.

Dwass served as the “Kid Health” columnist for the Los Angeles Times for four years.

For the entertainment industry, Dwass has written for TV shows produced by Disney, Nelvana, DIC and Lifetime. Several of Dwass’ feature scripts have been optioned. To learn more visit: Muckrack.com/emily-dwass/articles.

Derek Doepker
Derek Doepker

Derek Doepker

Derek Doepker about writing health and wellnessDerek Doepker is the self-published author of over six best-selling books in health, fitness, personal development, and authorship.

He began publishing books in 2012 and experienced what it’s like to be an author struggling to find readers. Over time he discovered proven processes that took him to selling over 50,000 books.

His titles include The Healthy Habit Revolution: Create Better Habits in Just 5 Minutes a Day, Weight Loss Motivation Hacks: 7 Psychological Tricks that Keep You Motivated to Lose Weight, and Why Authors Fail: 17 Mistakes Self-Published Authors Make That Sabotage Their Success. 

We invite you to visit DerekDoepker.com.

Jerri Sher
Jerri Sher

Jerri Sher

Jerri Sher is an Emmy-Award-winning filmmaker.

A member of the DGA since 1998, she has completed 22 film and television projects.

Jerri Sher speaking about writing health and wellnessJerri is in production on Quiet Explosions, a documentary feature about TBI, traumatic brain injury, and PTS, post-traumatic stress, in veterans and athletes.

Live Life (about healing through alternative medicine), her 12-part television series, has been bought by Discovery Communications.
Her short film Step Up is part of a presentation Santa Monica Cares which she created for City/TV Santa Monica and the Directors Guild of America, and garnered her 2 Emmys.

Her documentary Soul of an Empire, about the rebirth of 42nd St. NYC, won the Best Documentary Feature Award at the Big Bear Lake International Film Festival, The Tampa Bay Festival, and the Special Jury Award at The Savannah Film & Video Festival. Her website is JerriSher.com.

Steve Hutson
Steve Hutson

Steve Hutson

Steve Hutson founded WordWise Media Services, his literary agency, in early 2011 after several years of freelance editing and directing a writers’ conference.

Steve Hutson speaking about writing health and wellnessHe has placed his clients’ works with Dutton, Thomas Nelson, Tyndale, Potomac, David C. Cook, Praeger, Writer’s Digest Books, and others. Several clients have won prestigious awards for their works.

He speaks frequently at writers’ events and writes an eclectic blog.

Robin Quinn
Robin Quinn

Moderator: Robin Quinn

Robin Quinn has been in the book biz for more than two and a half decades. She is an award-winning book editor, book coach and ghostwriter.
Robin specializes in self-help, health, nutrition, spirituality, business, and the media, and she also works with uplifting memoir and fiction. Her book projects include Patricia Fitzgerald’s small press best-seller The Detox Solution, Susan Moss’s alternative health title Survive Cancer! and Ruth Frechman’s The Food Is My Friend Diet (Best Nutrition book / Indie Excellence Awards).

Robin Quinn speaking about writing health and wellnessSince the early 90s, Robin has produced and moderated panels related to books and writing – for such groups as the Independent Writers of Southern California (IWOSC), Publishers Association of Los Angeles (PALA), Greater Los Angeles Writers Society (GLAWS), Author’s Corner, and more. Her website is WritingAndEditing.biz.

And a good time was had by all…

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