Event Description
The basics for the writer from an agent’s point of view
Saturday, May 21, 2016
10:0 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Please arrive early. Doors open at 10:00 a.m. After 10:20, unclaimed seats will be made available to walk-ins.
So, you want to get published
Today’s publishing market is more competitive than it has ever been, and millions of new authors rush in without educating themselves.
Learn how to av
oid the rookie mistakes:
- You’re not just writing a story; you’re running a business.
- The industry hasn’t changed as much as you think.
- Self-publishing is not the liberating experience that you expect.
- Agents and publishers aren’t as evil as you’ve been told.
- You might be looking for love in all the wrong places.
In this 2-hour discussion, we will examine the workings of the publishing industry. Writing, editing, acquisitions, agents, editors, copyright, platform, contracts, self-publishing, and more. Why do some books succeed, while so many fail?
Bring your questions, your thick skin, and your hard-learned lessons.
While this is from an agent’s point of view, and you may still wish to look into self-publishing as an option, many of these points will be eye-openers and most of the content applies to any book, regardless of how it is published.

STEVE HUTSON is a native of Los Angeles, a child of the sixties, and a storyteller almost from birth. (He’s convinced that the Wimpy Kid books are based on his childhood, but he can’t prove it.)
After several years of freelance editing and directing a writers’ conference, he branched out as a literary agent in early 2011.
Steve has placed his clients’ works with Dutton, Thomas Nelson, Tyndale, Potomac, David C. Cook, Praeger, Writer’s Digest Books, and others. Several clients have won prestigious awards for their works.
He speaks frequently at writers’ events and writes an eclectic blog.