IWOSC’s monthly drop-in satellite sessions are open to all Los Angeles writers — both members and non-members. (Out-of-town guests are welcome too.)
We have several satellites to cover the various areas of Southern California or the Greater Los Angeles area.
During the Covid-19 restrictions our Satellites are meeting online. This makes it possible for EVERYONE to get there, so we hope you’ll consider attending.

Los Angeles Westside Satellite — online for now
IWOSC’s Westside Satellite is hosted by Robin Quinn — a long-time IWOSC member and an LA Book Coach and Editor specializing in self-help, memoir and uplifting fiction.
Our Westside Satellite serves writers from the Palisades south to LAX, and those in Culver City, Inglewood, Ladera Heights, Westwood — even Beverly Hills.
We welcome all interested writers — IWOSC members or not, published or not, Westside resident or not.
For the time-being, due to Covid-19, we’re holding meeting virtually via Zoom. The Westside Satellite is currently scheduling occasional programming.
Upcoming Westside Satellite Seminar
Some of our past meetings
Our past meetings include:
- July 2023: Mastering the Memoir with Deborah Levine Herman
- March 2023: Exploring Narrative Structure in Your Writing with Madeline Dyer
- May 2022: Writing the Celebrity Bio with Ray Richmond
- January 2022: Writing the Historical Romance Novel with Clyve Rose
- June 2021: Write What You Don’t Know — Yet by Christina Hoag
- May 2021: Talking Sci-Fi Book Writing & Publishing with Carole Stivers
- April 2021: Jennifer Caspar, Village Well Books & Coffee
- March 2021: Creating Long-Life Success as an Author
- Feb 2021: Writing the Young Adult Novel by Craig Leener
- Jan 2021: An Afternoon with Esteemed Literary Agent Ken Sherman
- Nov 2020: Essential Elements in Writing Mystery Novels by Marvin J. Wolf
- Sept 2020: Turning Your Family’s History into a Memoir, with Ruth Badley
- July 2020: The Art of the Personal Essay by Sue William Silverman
- June 2020: Your Crucial 1st 10 Pages — for both book and script writers, presented by Serita Stevens
- March 2020: Introduction to Book to Film Adaptations presented by Alexis Krasilovsky
If you’re not getting our announcements already, click here and fill out your name and email address on the short form.
Email Robin at robinkayquinn2 AT gmail DOT com to speak, volunteer, or to join our mailing list for this Satellite.