PastEvent18, Writers Seminar

Writers Marketing Intensive 2018
Sat, Oct 27, 2018
The IWOSC Marketing Intensive 2018 Edition “Hope is Not a Book Marketing Strategy” Prepare, Plan & Produce The Perfect Book… Click for more Writers Marketing Intensive 2018
PastEvent18, Writers Seminar
Ready to Write in 2019
Sat, Sep 15, 2018
Seminar Ready to Write in 2019 Saturday, September 15, 2018 10:30 am – 1:00 p.m. IWOSC members: $10 (special price) Non-members:… Click for more Ready to Write in 2019
PastEvent18, Writers Seminar

Grammar for Grownup Writers
Sat, Jul 21, 2018
Seminar Grammar for Grownup Writers Flo Selfman’s Quick ‘n Dirty Grammar and Punctuation Review for Writers Saturday, July 21, 2018… Click for more Grammar for Grownup Writers
PastEvent18, Writers Seminar

The Pitch (for writers) with Pilar Alessandra
Sat, Jun 16, 2018
Seminar THE PITCH with Pilar Alessandra Saturday, June 16, 2018 10:30 am – 1:00 p.m. IWOSC members: $15 Non-members: $35 This… Click for more The Pitch (for writers) with Pilar Alessandra
Writers Seminar
Practical Poetry for Everyday Writers
Novelists, screenwriters, essayists, non-fiction and memoir authors, songwriters, and writers of all genres: did you know you can will learn poetic techniques that you can use in all of your writing, whether it’s for articles, books, copywriting, songs, or scripts.
Writer and poet Tresha Faye Haefner, will share basic poetic principles that writers can use to improve all of your writing and enhance your creative voice.
Presented by: Tresha Faye Haefner
[To read more, click the title!]
PastEvent18, Writers Seminar
Free Promotional Ideas for Writers: easy, creative and productive ideas from Joan Stewart, the Publicity Hound
Tue, Mar 13, 2018
Phone Seminar
TUESDAY, March 13, 2018
When it comes to generating publicity for your book, don’t expect a press release do all the heavy lifting. You must have a strong “hook” or angle to get the media’s attention and use the press release as background information. Publicity expert Joan Stewart will share more than a dozen hooks that smart authors can use to promote their fiction and nonfiction books.
You will learn:
- How to “newsjack” by taking a breaking new story and tying it to your book.
- Creative ideas for fiction
- Powerful hooks for nonfiction
- The easiest place to start you publicity campaign: This media outlet will welcome you with open arms!
Presented by: J Joan Stewart “The Publicity Hound”
[To read more, click the title!]
PastEvent18, Writers Seminar
Self-Publisher’s Toolkit — with IngramSpark
Tue, Feb 6, 2018
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
As writers, we know that writing a great piece is only part of our challenge. Along with the writing and editing, we have the challenges of publishing our work. That’s why, in February, we are hosting a special WEBINAR with IngramSpark, one of the main producers of print-on-demand and e-books.
IngramSpark offers the same products and services enjoyed by big-time publishers—superb quality and industry connections backed by decades of experience—made accessible to the indie-publishing community from one award-winning platform.
We will discuss the following topics as time permits…
- Print on Demand as a way to create and sell quality printed books without a massive print run.
- E-book publishing
- Formats
- Reach to 39,000+ retailers and libraries worldwide and 70+ major online retailers.
- Marketing
Presented by: Justine Bylo — Key Account Sales Manager, IngramSpark, Ingram Content Group Inc.
[To read more, click the title!]
Writers Seminar
Grammar and Punctuation Review for Writers
Sat, Jan 20, 2018
Seminar GRAMMAR FOR GROWNUPS: Painless Grammar and Punctuation Review for Writers 10:30 am – 1:00 p.m. IWOSC members: $15 Non-members:… Click for more Grammar and Punctuation Review for Writers
PastEvent17, Writers Seminar
Self-Publishing with BookBaby
Tue, Nov 14, 2017
TUESDAY, November 14, 2017
A special telephone seminar
Steven Spatz, president of BookBaby, will share with his audience of essayists, novelists, editors, book designers, authors of all genres, and self-publishers, information on topics of vital interest to book producers and writers, including…
Presented by: Steven Spatz
[To read more, click the title!]